Thursday, February 13, 2014

Snow What? New way for snow to cost you money…


Do you clean the snow off of your car before you drive somewhere? Don’t you dislike it when others don’t clean the snow and ice off of their vehicle? What do you do when you’re driving down the road and an “ice missile” slides off of the vehicle in front of you? The Connecticut legislature has stepped in to help protect you and its other citizens. They enacted AN ACT CONCERNING THE REMOVAL OF SNOW AND ICE FROM MOTOR VEHICLES, which recently went into effect on December 31, 2013. People that get caught driving with dangerous amounts of snow and ice on their car can be fined $75.00 under the new law. More significantly, a driver can be fined a minimum of $200 ($500 if vehicle is commercial) and a maximum of $1,000 ($1,250 commercial) if snow/ice on their operating vehicle slides off and causes personal injury or property damage. Such fines for flying “ice missiles” are in addition to potential civil liability that the driver and owner of the vehicle may incur for any damage done.

So don’t drive any vehicle without sufficiently clearing off the ice and snow. At a minimum it could cost you some dough, and at worst you could injure or kill another person.


Any questions? Contact Attorney Albert Unger via email –